Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Digital Future of the United States: Part I - The Future of the World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee congressional hearing March 2, 2007 on the topic "Digital Future of the United States: Part I - The Future of the World Wide Web".

For information on Time Berner-Lee start with his entry on wikipedia and then proceed to his own page at W3C. This hearing was hosted by the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Energy and Commerce Commitee, of the US House of representatives.

Note mention of the Mayo Clinical medical reccord system @20min even before the hearing starts and a few times later. The actual hearing only starts afetr 30 min introduction by the congressional sub-cPlease add you own notes to this entry when you hear it to help the rest of us go back to particular excerpts. Here is the direct link to the podcast.

Data integration at ~ 00:41:40
Life Sciences data integration through semantic web ~ 00:44:00 mins
Web Science at min 48, this topic is expanded in Science. 2006 Aug 11;313(5788):769-71.

--- End of TBL presentation at ~min 58 ---
--- Questioning started at 1:24:30 ---

> 1:24:30 - property rights

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